Julien Bergeot
Chercheur PSL à l'Université Paris-Dauphine
PSL, Université Paris-Dauphine
Julien Bergeot est chercheur PSL à l’Université Paris Dauphine – PSL. Il travaille à l’intersection de l’économie de la santé et de la famille. Ses recherches s’organisent autour de deux thématiques principales qui sont la prise en charge familiale de la perte d’autonomie des personnes âgées et les déterminants de l’adoption de comportement de prévention.
Publications récentes
- Bergeot, J., & Fontaine, R. (2020). The heterogeneous effect of retirement on informal care behavior. Health Economics, 29(10), 1101-1116.
- Bergeot, J., & Tenand, M. (2023). Does informal care delay nursing home entry? Evidence from Dutch linked survey and administrative data. Journal of Health Economics, 92, 102831.
- Bergeot, J., & Jusot, F. (2024). Risk, time preferences, trustworthiness and COVID-19 preventive behavior: evidence from France. The European Journal of Health Economics, 25(1), 91-101.
- Bergeot, J., & Jusot, F. (2024). How did unmet care needs during the pandemic affect health outcomes of older European individuals?. Economics & Human Biology, 52, 101317.
- Bergeot, J. (2024). Care for elderly parents: do children cooperate?. Journal of Population Economics, 37(1), 6.
- The effect of parental health shocks on living arrangements and employment, with Irene Ferrari and Ya Gao, Health Economics, 1-40.
- Bergeot, J., Ferrari, I., & Gao, Y. (2024). The effect of parental health shocks on living arrangements and employment. Health Economics.